
Auch in Pune faengt die kalte Jahreszeit an. Kalt ist natuerlich relativ und bedeutet, dass es nachts auf 13 bis 17 Grad abkuehlt und tagsueber nur 28 Grad warm wird. Es fuehlt sich kuehl an, wenn man groessere Hitze gewohnt ist.

Mein Arbeitgeber sorgt sich um seine Mitarbeiter und gibt daher die folgenden Tipps, um gesund zu bleiben:

As you are all aware, we are experiencing sudden changes in weather conditions recently. This week has seen a considerable drop in day & night temperatures.


These rapid weather changes are adversely affecting the health of many of us resulting in a large number of cases of cold, sore throat and fever. It is therefore essential for each one of us to take special care of ourselves to remain fit so that we do not fall prey to any illness due to the sudden changes in the weather.


Some of the Dos and Don’ts that will help you to keep you healthy during this season are:




1)   Carry warm clothes with you all the time especially in the night.

2)   Eat a balanced diet which will keep your body warm.

3)   Make sure to sleep in a dark room to ensure your body properly gets enough rest which is believed to help repair the immune system.

4)   If you think it is not possible to go out for walk or jog due to the chilly weather, try joining the gym. The winter months are excellent for weight training. You can burn calories without worrying about the low temperatures outside.

5)   Practice joint stretches at regular intervals (once in 20 min). It helps to keep the fluid around the joints warm so as you do not get sudden pain when you get up from your chair.

6)   Climbing stairs is another good workout. Climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator keeps the body warm.

7)   Winter can deplete your spirited moods because of the cold weather and lack of sun. It is a time when stress levels are high. Yoga helps to unite the body, mind and spirit and helps to reduce stress. Yoga is a good way to keep your body warm and maintain a good posture. You can join a yoga class for better benefits or perform yoga which watching it on TV or on a DVD.

8)   If you love to participate in adventure sports, then winter is the best time to try trekking, rock climbing, skiing, biking etc. The sports activities will keep you active, lift your spirits and take care of your health.

9)   The winter proves to be particularly rude towards the skin. Ensure that you moisturize your skin adequately every day, before stepping out into the cold.

     Wash your hands regularly to protect yourself and your family from possible flu viruses that can cause mess in the winter season.

10)It is important to drink water even when the temperatures are plummeting. Winter weather can dehydrate you just like summer. To keep your body hydrated it is important to drink frequent sips of water, you can also choose to have herbal teas without sugar to keep the body hydrated. Drink warm water if you feel irritation in your throat

11)Eat fruits like oranges, sweet limes as they are rich in Vitamin C and helps to keep your immune system functioning at its best. Carrots, sweet potatoes are all in the season and provide antioxidants that help to fight infection fighting cells.

12)Winter is the perfect time to have a bowl of soup. Adding soups to your regular menu can be an amazing weight loss tool.

13)Massage the soles of your feet with warm sesame oil before going to bed.




1)   Drink cold drinks and eat Ice Cream

2)   Drink cold water

3)   It is natural to crave for fried pakoras, samosas and other heavy food in winter but try avoiding these calorie laden foods.

4)   Don’t go outside with your hair wet. It will increase the chances of cold and fever.

5)   Take hot showers or washing your hair in hot water. Use warm or cool water instead, the heat can dry out and/or damage your hair and skin.

Da ist doch bestimmt auch fuer euch der eine oder andere gute Tipp dabei. Bleibt auf alle Faelle gesund und munter!


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3 Antworten zu Fuersorge

  1. Andula sagt:

    Hihihihi – da dürften wir in Norwegen ja nie Eis essen.

  2. Yannis sagt:

    bin letzte Woche bei -3 und 5cm Schnee (also immer noch kein Winter) beim Joggen gewesen. Quasi ein Kündigungsgrund bei Euch ! 🙂

    • Barbara sagt:

      Solange du es fuer dich behaeltst, kein Problem:) Und wenn es dich gesund und munter haelt, umso besser, mach weiter so!

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